Girl, it’s almost impossible! Right?! Sometimes we have an excuse and sometimes we make an excuse. Either way, missing a workout some days is not a big deal. But it is important to remember that exercise is key to improving health and focus…and managing those hormones that go crazy at least once a month.
Knowing how to workout everyday has never been easier. Here are some ideas to help when you have limited time.
No matter what you can and can’t do, you MUST drink water! Most studies say to drink your weight in ounces or up to a gallon of water. I’m a huge fan of Chris and Heidi Powell and they recommend counting to 10 every time you take a drink so you get more water down throughout the day. (Side note: try out their Transformation App…amazing!)
So no matter what you have time for it’s important to just take care of yourself. I mean if you don’t, who will?
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