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The Line Between Work and Home

  • March 31, 2019
  • By Jennifer
The Line Between Work and Home

As a women in leadership, I am pretty sure that a line between work and home doesn’t exist. If you are immersed in your work and your team then it is very difficult to shake your creativity or even your stress when you go home. Likewise, the biggest struggle may even be bringing the home stress (especially mommy guilt) into the workplace.

I remember before having kids that it almost seemed effortless to have a “personal life.” But then something happened. The burden of carrying two full-time jobs consumed me and I couldn’t find a separation between the two.

So after several years of living in survival mode and then making a huge leap in careers, I have come to see what I was missing all along. From my own mistakes and living in a world of negative thought patterns, I bring you my new revelations that hopefully you can apply before burn-out takes over.

#1 Recognize the truth.

The truth is that you have confidence inside of you, but it is often buried by negativity. To dig up the negativity and get to the root, you have to be willing to live in a state of constant recognition of your thoughts and words. When you realize how powerful your words are to your emotions you will want to make a change quick.

To take this practice even deeper, take the time to write out each thought. Seeing your words on paper can give you an even greater idea of how much negativity and self-destruction has consumed your mind. For each negative statement it’s a good idea to write an opposing truth. For example:

Negative Thought: I am a leader, yet I have no creativity. I am taking my team nowhere.

Truth: I have so much creativity! I will organize my weekly calendar for uninterrupted time so I can focus on my creative intelligence.

#2 Accept every unique circumstance.

Life is too short to live as a victim or drown yourself in sorrow. Truly, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And for women in leadership…when life steals your time, go with the flow.

Every woman has their own unique circumstances at work and at home. Most of these circumstances are probably just part of life and can’t be changed. So if that is your case, get serious about step #1 and then accept your situation.

If you can begin to point out the positive things in your work and home life, the ability to accept those things that are stressors will come easier. Acceptance of your circumstance is simply the ability to make mental and emotional space that in turn gives you freedom to indulge in your passions.

#3 Dive in.

Something about finding emotional freedom makes you want to live out your passions. When you get to step #3 you may find that your whole circumstance begins to change. It may change physically or emotionally. Either way, this positive change is liberating.

For me, my process of truth seeking and acceptance brought me to the decision to make a huge leap of faith in my career. When I knew my decision had been made in my heart I decided to dive straight in. I dove into my role at that time with every intention of ending my time there in excellence. After I closed out that chapter of my life, I knew I would jump into a new season with full force.

Life Lessons

Now that I look back on these life lessons, I can easily tell you that although I denied self-acceptance at times and welcomed stress freely, I still have no regrets. Life happens, but learning how to let it happen is where the beauty lies.

No matter how far you are in your career of living life with the stress of no separation between work and home, I believe you are never too far in to make changes. After all, I’m living proof that a mind-shift change can bring you to the entrance of a whole new world!

By Jennifer, March 31, 2019
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1 Comment
  • Ruth Gann
    May 14, 2019

    Awesome words!!!! No one ever said, “Life is easy”, make adjustments as needed!

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I'm Jennifer. I am a school leader by day and a purveyor of discounted fashion, creative workouts, leadership development podcasts and always chocolate chip cookies by night. I believe that a life of leadership deserves lots of self-care. It's not possible to lead others when you are worn down from life. I've lived the messy life of a leader and along the way found the tricks to keep life exciting, focused, and simple. Let me tell you all about how personal leadership, vision development and building culture in the workplace can change your life and those you lead!
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