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3 Reasons To Journal Starting Today

  • August 27, 2019
  • By Jennifer
3 Reasons To Journal Starting Today

I have journaled all my life. I guess as a child it started something like, “Dear diary…” However, now for most kids it starts as “Dear Instagram…” The difference between the two however, is that one is a place of privacy and an act of true humility. The other is a place of exposure and often times false reality. But even with the change of technology, there is no replacement for a pen and paper when it comes to journaling.

So, here are your reasons to journal.

1. Address your faith.

This is my absolute #1 reason I journal everyday. It is my love letter to God. It’s my place to pour out my daily reality and then trust him in return to guide my heart to his.

The easiest way to start by addressing your faith is to begin writing about your gratitude. The simplest ideas of thankfulness count and even when nothing seems good around you, reflect on thankfulness for strength to pull through your tough time. This journal has great prompts to get you started and lots of writing space to put down your thoughts.

Gratitude Journal

2. Look at your behaviors.

Your behaviors can consist of worries, fears, doubts, harm to yourself, harm to others, arrogance, rejection and the list goes on. Now’s the time to put that down on paper. Whether it’s good or bad, right or wrong, what matters is your act of facing it. So, where is your mind focused?

Write out the details of a situation that bothers you or another’s response to you that left you confused. Any self-doubt goes into the journal as well as any celebration. The journal becomes a tangible representation of YOU.

One of my favorite books to help open your eyes to how your mind works is Battlefield Of The Mind by Joyce Meyers. When you are ready to come face to face with yourself and confront the emotional struggles you’ve dealt with, this book will guide you in, but also shine the light for your way out.

3. Develop an action plan.

It sounds technical, but most of the time it’s just a decision. A decision to either choose joy for your day or to choose to believe a position of truth about yourself. For myself, my action plan comes from the silence in sitting and waiting for God to lead my heart in response to my behaviors. Many times this is just a confirmation that he loves me and he will never leave me.

Whether or not it’s God or yourself developing your action plan for the day, the point is that you have recognized who you are and made a positive plan to respond to your day.

The plan doesn’t always have to have action items for the day and this book is a perfect example of that. By loving your current life, you will learn to make day by day changes to it with grace rather than chaos.

Your Take Away

When journaling, looking for the “take away” should be a daily practice. What was the big idea from your writing? Whatever it is, that is what you put into play in that day.

Would I say that I highly recommend journaling? No. I say it’s a MUST. A MUST for every man, women, and even young person and it’s a definite MUST for a leader!

So, find that Paper-Mate pen that you love and that pad of paper in the bottom of the drawer and start your day with some coffee and a journal. It will truly change your life!

By Jennifer, August 27, 2019
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I'm Jennifer. I am a school leader by day and a purveyor of discounted fashion, creative workouts, leadership development podcasts and always chocolate chip cookies by night. I believe that a life of leadership deserves lots of self-care. It's not possible to lead others when you are worn down from life. I've lived the messy life of a leader and along the way found the tricks to keep life exciting, focused, and simple. Let me tell you all about how personal leadership, vision development and building culture in the workplace can change your life and those you lead!
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