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3 Steps To Leadership A.C.T.ion

  • January 16, 2023
  • By Jennifer
3 Steps To Leadership A.C.T.ion

Strong leaders are always taking action. Action of personal development and professional growth can look different for everyone. Some prefer books and podcasts over YouTube videos and live trainings. However you choose to take in new understandings, the A.C.T.ion that follows is what develops skills to lead others. Here are the 3 steps to on your leadership investments.

How To A.C.T.

A.C.T. is the acronym for Apply, Change and Train. The first two steps are about developing yourself and the final step represents a process for developing other leaders; which also happens to be my favorite step. Let’s dive deeper and focus on how to use this model with leadership skills you want to grow.

Step 1: Apply

I guess we could assume that before you get to the A of A.C.T. you have already encountered some type of learning experience (this goes back to your learning style preference – books, podcasts, etc.). Once you’ve settled in on the “take-aways” from your learning, it’s time to APPLY the new knowledge. How does real application work?

It’s one thing to learn, but a whole different level of higher order thinking to apply and take leadership action. This requires the generalization of a new idea to your specific circumstances and level of experience. However, every new skill can be applied at any level. Even if you are in a position of 2nd or 3rd command.

The process for application looks like this:

  • Although best practices for a leader require self-awareness and a lot of selflessness, when observing a leadership practice from mentors or teachers it is important to remain in a constant state of personal reflection and focus attention on yourself. This is the starting point of taking a deep look at application.
  • Taking note of your reflection in a way of writing or documenting thoughts on your computer/phone is a MUST in order to keep the reflections present in your mind. Questions to ask yourself as you take notes should focus on you: What is the topic, in one word, that I need to focus on as I grow (communication, organization, personnel…)? What is my current situation that applies to this topic? Who is involved? What change is required to be made in myself before I can apply this skill to my situation? What is my next step in applying this skill in my interactions with others?
  • Finally, get yourself organized. Taking notes is more of a brainstorming process that can occur at the time of reading, listening or interacting with others. Getting organized occurs when you can get somewhere to have the mental space to map out a plan of application. The process of application must be strategic and thoughtful and begin with YOU. The YOU piece is a reference to your mindset, emotions, reactions and heart condition. Once you have reflected on yourself, your application map can move towards the strategic plan of how this applies to your leadership and what next steps to take to organize your employees, management, communication, relationships, etc., where leadership action begins.

Step 2: Change

Change is when everything you’ve learned and all the strategic planning has taken place and then the movement begins. You begin the tough conversations with others, you communicate your new vision over and over again, you listen and observe reactions and respond to large groups and individuals. Change is absolutely the toughest step! You can bet you will encounter backlash when making a large organizational change and even if it is a small change. Have your game plan ready for how to respond.

What’s the game plan entail? First, your vision. Second, your determination to see this through to the end. That no matter the cost, do you believe in the end result that this change will bring. Third, repetition. Repeating the vision by using language that is precise and simple. The more people hear something, the more it will begin to stick and then reflection and understanding can begin.

Many books, podcasts and seminars have been done on this one topic. Here are a few of my favorite books where leaders take leadership action:

Atomic Habits

Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy Seals Lead & Win

Step 3: Train

Leaders grow leaders. There is no way around it. If you want to build the best team, your emphasis must be in growing leaders. It is a part of leadership action. And this cannot take place until you spot those individuals that have the skills and desire to be molded.

Most leaders are familiar with the idea of “getting the right people on the bus.” I like to narrow it down even further to say “getting the right people on the bridge.” This refers to the command center of a ship because this position on the ship takes a team. And that team can make the ship either stay afloat or sink.

When you have the right people on the bridge, you focus on building relationships and getting to the personalized instruction of growing these individuals. Assessment of skills and then providing experiences for these new leaders to grow in, is where the team begins to come together.

Training doesn’t take place overnight, rather it is an ongoing process of facilitating new experiences in a safe and risk-free environment where you, as the head leader, still have the ability to take control and guide your ship.

Getting real…

Getting real with yourself takes courage and this entire process of can’t begin until you step out of the cloud of ego and realize that application begins with you. “A leader is one that knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” Don’t choose to bury yourself in your current situation. Rise to the occasion of what A.C.Tion takes and get in front of your vision.

By Jennifer, January 16, 2023
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I'm Jennifer. I am a school leader by day and a purveyor of discounted fashion, creative workouts, leadership development podcasts and always chocolate chip cookies by night. I believe that a life of leadership deserves lots of self-care. It's not possible to lead others when you are worn down from life. I've lived the messy life of a leader and along the way found the tricks to keep life exciting, focused, and simple. Let me tell you all about how personal leadership, vision development and building culture in the workplace can change your life and those you lead!
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