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Prioritize Your Fitness

  • January 12, 2019
  • By Jennifer
Prioritize Your Fitness

Girl, it’s almost impossible! Right?! Sometimes we have an excuse and sometimes we make an excuse. Either way, missing a workout some days is not a big deal. But it is important to remember that exercise is key to improving health and focus…and managing those hormones that go crazy at least once a month.

Knowing how to workout everyday has never been easier. Here are some ideas to help when you have limited time.

1 Hour To Spare

  • Take a group class. Classes are a fun way to get moving with motivation from others. I use to feel intimated to try a class. What if I couldn’t keep up, especially since I have no coordination? Forget that! Get in there and move.
  • Put in 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training. Get on a cardio machine or try a HIIT workout while strength training. Don’t know what to do? Instagram is loaded with amazing ideas! Follow girls that do the workouts you are looking for. Here are a few of my favorites: alexa_clark, fitgurlmel, candacebure, kk_fit_, kirastokesfit
  • Home videos. There are so many options! I have used several of the Beach Body programs and they always make a difference (that is when I keep my food under control).

45 Minutes To Spare

  • 15 minutes cardio/30 minutes strength. If you go this route, make sure your 15 minutes of cardio includes interval training. If it’s outside or on a cardio machine use the 2:1 rule. Two minutes at a higher heart rate, one minute easy breathing.
  • 45 minutes cardio. Depending on your fitness goals, getting cardio in everyday could be the priority. Especially if your goal is to lose weight quickly.

30 Minutes To Spare

  • HIIT workout. These are some of my favorite. If you only have 15-30 minutes, this will get you going and burn more calories than you would think. Follow #HIIT to get some great ideas!
  • Don’t keep it simple. Find a jump rope or try mountain climbers in between lunges and squats. Throw in push-ups and planks and it’ll become a full body workout.

15 Minutes To Spare

  • Take a run before dinner. Any quick activity to get your heart pumping is great. A quick run before dinner will help you to feel energized for the rest of the evening.
  • Take a walk after dinner. Not only is this a great time to clear your head, but also a great distraction from that sweet tooth raiding the pantry after dinner.

10 Minutes To Spare

  • Sweat before your shower. Jumping jacks with push-ups and crunches are quick ways to break a sweat. I’ve been known to pull out the jump rope for a quick 5 minutes in my living room.
  • Take a walk during your work break. For some this is hard to do because you may not get a decent break. I mean you have to go to the restroom, check email, EAT! All of which are important. But if this is an option for you, do it.
  • Count a walk with your dog as a workout. Keep it brisk, but enjoy the scenery and time with your fur-baby.

No Time

  • Do milk jug bicep curls while you cook. Don’t drink milk, find something heavy to hold to in one hand.
  • Lunge wherever you walk around the house. This will be harder than you think. Skip a step when going up the stairs too and you’ll feel your legs start to burn.
  • Squat while holding a baby. I don’t suggest doing this with your seven your old, but find something equally heavy to a toddler and get going.
  • Vacuum. Enough said. This is never easy, but fun for some people. The tough part is switching arms. My left never does as good a job as my right.
  • Get to work on abs while you binge Netflix. You know you do it so take advantage of that time. You will feel less guilty for the hours spent watching Shameless if you throw in some self-care.

No matter what you can and can’t do, you MUST drink water! Most studies say to drink your weight in ounces or up to a gallon of water. I’m a huge fan of Chris and Heidi Powell and they recommend counting to 10 every time you take a drink so you get more water down throughout the day. (Side note: try out their Transformation App…amazing!)

So no matter what you have time for it’s important to just take care of yourself. I mean if you don’t, who will?

By Jennifer, January 12, 2019

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I'm Jennifer. I am a school leader by day and a purveyor of discounted fashion, creative workouts, leadership development podcasts and always chocolate chip cookies by night. I believe that a life of leadership deserves lots of self-care. It's not possible to lead others when you are worn down from life. I've lived the messy life of a leader and along the way found the tricks to keep life exciting, focused, and simple. Let me tell you all about how personal leadership, vision development and building culture in the workplace can change your life and those you lead!
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